Reggie Williams Reggie Williams


Unlock your storytelling potential with guidance from the best in the industry! Our latest blog, highlights top coaches who are not only masters of the craft but also dedicated coaches. These coaches bring a wealth of experience, innovative techniques, and a deep understanding of narrative intricacies. Whether you're an aspiring screenwriter or a seasoned professional looking to refine your skills, discover the experts who can elevate your work to new heights.

Unlock your storytelling potential with guidance from the best in the industry! Our latest blog, highlights top coaches who are not only masters of the craft but also dedicated coaches. These coaches bring a wealth of experience, innovative techniques, and a deep understanding of narrative intricacies. Whether you're an aspiring screenwriter or a seasoned professional looking to refine your skills, discover the experts who can elevate your work to new heights.

Curated by Antoinette Wade & Reggie Williams.




Spade Robinson is an award-winning screenwriter and film director, with experience that spans feature film, documentary, television, commercial and theater. Robinson is a master’s alumnus of USC’s School of Cinematic Arts, where she emphasized writing and directing. Since then, she’s been commissioned to direct and produce commercial content for clients such as Time Warner and Sundance Institute.

Her original works include award-winning films such as Seen Also In Men, The Wedding and The Love Life of A Black Girl. She’s directed both contemporary and classical stage plays including Starting Monday, A Mid Summer’s Night Dream and A Lesson Before Dying.

Spade was a Women’s Weekend Film Challenge Fellow, Sundance Episodic Lab and Film Independent Finalist, American Film DWW Finalist and a Screencrafting Finalist. 


Los Angeles, California



Shannan is the founder of The Professional Pen (TPP), the first black-owned script consultancy in Hollywood. TPP offers three tiers of services that help writers beef up their writing portfolio and level up their screenwriting career.

The Professional Pen offers…

Development Notes: For writers of all levels who have tried script coverage but still feel stuck in their writing, TPP’s Story Experts provide detailed, page-by-page, objective feedback with actionable notes for an efficient revisions process.

Membership: For Newbie writers in this screenwriting game, TPP offers a membership community with access to a safe space for learning, growth, valuable feedback, and a supportive environment to thrive in their writing journey through courses, workshops, Q&A’s, industry guest speakers, a library of screenwriting resources, and more.

Mentorship: For Emerging writers ready to push out several writing samples a year, nab their next professional gig, and are in need of an accountability partner, TPP offers 1:1 mentorship from idea to pitch with a Story Expert.


Vancouver, BC



Charla is a screenwriter turned coach who helps creatives and solopreneurs stop procrastinating, create routines they love, and reach their goals.

As a coach, she mainly helps smart, ambitious creatives and solopreneurs end the negative internal dialogue that keeps them stuck, get organized, and create a productivity system that compliments their authentic selves so they can finish their work and reach their goals with ease.

Charla can help you;

→Create a routine you can finally stick to so you can write the book or start the business

→ End the negative dialogue in your head that keeps you feeling lost, stuck, and overwhelmed so you can have the mental space and clarity to do and create

→Learn how to stop procrastinating and get in flow so you can reach your goals

→ Develop a positive relationship with yourself so that you can have self-love and self-trust, and make meaningful and authentic connections with others

→ Navigate and reparent childhood trauma that is keeping you stuck in adulthood


Silver Spring, Maryland



Through her business, The Write Script, Jessica helps dedicated and committed screenwriters craft sellable scripts that command industry attention by focusing on developing their unique voices and writing styles. Her main package for Development Notes focuses on analyzing the script, identifying the areas of opportunity for change, and creating a customized strategy for each client's specific needs. 


Atlanta, Georgia




Haj is an Award-winning Writer and Emmy-nominated Producer, Director, Performer, and Consultant with over two decades of creative direction, business development, and growth experience. She has written, produced, performed, directed, licensed, and sold projects to networks and studios including ABC, Disney, CBS, BET, Apple TV, and FOX.

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Reggie Williams Reggie Williams


Color grading is not just about enhancing hues; it's about evoking emotions, setting moods, and guiding the audience through the filmmaker's vision. From subtle tonal adjustments to bold contrasts, every shade is meticulously curated to enhance the story's impact. Hiring, Black colorists can prove challenging due to underrepresentation in the industry. However, Black Film Space is on a mission to change that narrative by actively spotlighting these talented individuals. Check out this list of Black colorists to hire for your next project.

Color grading is not just about enhancing hues; it's about evoking emotions, setting moods, and guiding the audience through the filmmaker's vision. From subtle tonal adjustments to bold contrasts, every shade is meticulously curated to enhance the story's impact. Hiring Black colorists can prove challenging due to underrepresentation in the industry. However, Black Film Space is on a mission to change that narrative by actively spotlighting these talented individuals. Check out this list of Black colorists to hire for your next project.

Curated by Antoinette Wade & Reggie Williams.

Image colored by Patrice Bowman for Nike Sports Lab.


New York, New York

Watch Her Reel



Patrice D. Bowman is an award-winning director, professional colorist, and owner of the growing production and post-production company Bowman Pictures. She graduated with a B.A. in Film Studies from Yale University in 2015 and currently lives in New York City. As a colorist, she regularly collaborates with independent storytellers and major creative agencies that work with well-known brands –– such as Target and Nike. Dedicated to making the art of color more accessible, she conducts color grading workshops at various universities and film festivals.



Jersey City, New Jersey

Watch His Reel



Mez was born and raised in North Dakota to Eritrean parents and has always had a love for telling stories. As a graduate of Tisch School of the Arts at NYU he continues to build on over 10 years of filmmaking experience. From writing to producing, film photography to video animations, Mez continues to expand his skillset to becoming a more diverse storyteller.

Mesgen Gebremeskel

Los Angeles, California



After 10+ years in post production, Temesgen continues to collaborate, learn and adapt to the ever-changing world of filmmaking as a colorist. He currently obtains the position of Final Colorist at Point360, based in Burbank, California. In this role, he has brought a set of unique skills to his clients by not only understanding color science or look development but also be able to do visual effects work at the same time. Temesgen has crafted stunning images for some of the world’s largest networks and renowned brands including: AppleTV+, Netflix, Hulu, MAX, Paramount+, Spotify and Google just to name a few. Due to his deep passion for technology, he dedicates himself to keeping up to date on the latest advancements in color and VFX. This commitment, in turn, provides a significant advantage for his clients, allowing them to concentrate fully on the creative aspects of their project.



Boston, Massachusetts



Jamal is cinematographer, colorist, editor, and producer. His commitment is simple: tell a story, and tell it well.

Natacha Ikoli

Brooklyn, New York



Natasha is multidisciplinary artist who primarily works as a DI colorist. With nearly 10 years experience in post-production that shapes Natacha's vision and principles of what color grading ought to bring to the finishing of any movie whether it be a short, music video, feature or commercial.

Jabez Nelson

Central Islip, New York



Jabez Nelson is a color and finishing specialist. He has worked in the broadcast industry. His expertise lies in creating stunning images that capture the viewer's attention.

He is known for his technical expertise in delivering products that meet customer needs. He has a passion for developing new products and enjoys working with teams to bring innovative ideas to life. He takes pride in his work and is always looking for ways to improve his skills and knowledge.

Tiffany Taveras


Tiffany crafts stories with meaning and intention that resonate across high-profile brands, music videos, and film. Truly thoughtful about all aspects of the industry, Tiffany aims to create art that not only captivates but also educates and inspires. Tiffany's collaborations extend to top brands such as Chevy, Coca-Cola, Modelo, Marvel, and DoorDash, working closely with esteemed agencies, including Townhouse, Saatchi NY, Havas, Dentsu, and R/GA.

In addition to her commercial work, Tiffany has a strong passion for film, with documentaries and films showcased at festivals worldwide.Committed to inspiring emerging talent as well as promoting inclusivity and diversity, Tiffany serves as a mentor and is passionate about guiding emerging editors to exceed expectations and elevate their art.

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